Reporting Concerns

EthicsPoint “Hotline” Compliance Reporting Procedures

All reports submitted through “EthicsPoint,” our compliance hotline service provider, may be made on an anonymous basis, although the details of your report may identify you and may be shared as needed as part of any resulting investigation. If you do submit your report anonymously, please continue to monitor your report, because we may need to ask additional follow up questions.

You have two methods to contact EthicsPoint. The phone number below is not Caller-ID enabled. The online form may be completed anonymously as well. Your request will be handled through EthicsPoint, which is an independent third-party service provider:

Phone: U.S. Toll Free 1-855-845-3467
Web: Go to:

All reports will be received and processed by EthicsPoint who will in turn forward the report to CryoLife’s Chief Compliance Officer and the appropriate management or Board Personnel. All reports are shared with the Chair of CryoLife’s Board of Directors and each of the Chairs of the Audit Committee and the Compliance Committee.

All reports relating to CryoLife’s accounting, auditing, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, or violations of CryoLife’s Code of Conduct, the Foreign Corrupt Policy Act, or possible violations of other anti-corruption laws will be reviewed by the Audit Committee.

Please be as specific as possible in your report. If possible, please provide details such as:

  • When the subject activity occurred;
  • Who was involved;
  • The nature of the activity;
  • Why the activity is of concern;
  • What documentation exists regarding the activity, providing copies if possible;
  • Who else is aware of the activity;
  • A list of actions already taken to bring this matter to the attention of CryoLife or any third party, and their response.